New Home Crystal Collection, House warming crystal set. House protection, Gems for moving home. High quality crystals

New Home Crystal Collection. A beautiful collection of gemstone crystals for anyone moving house or just settling in to their new home.

Moving into a new home can bring a mixture of emotions; stress, excitement, loss and even disconnection with your new property as you settle in. The New Home Crystals are a collection that considers the many different aspects of moving home and are perfectly chosen based on their properties to aid with cleansing, protecting and promoting positive energy. This particular set are selected for their properties recognised for promoting happiness and harmony, important as you settle into your new home.

This particular set includes:

Citrine: A powerful stone that can be placed around the home, including the back left corner which is the corner associated with prosperity. As well as being highly regarded in the promotion of clarity of thinking, citrine is said to help with new beginnings.

Jade: This stone has been respected for many centuries, by many cultures. In the case of a new home, Jade is said to strengthen life force energies and could set the tone for a happy and harmonious home. Known to promote love of all kinds, Jade can be simply carried in a pocket.

Moss Agate: Agate comes in many different colours all linked to different chakras; however, Moss Agate is connected with unconditional love and prosperity as well as emotional balance and tranquility.

Selenite: Primarily, selenite is known as a protective stone and is connected with both the third eye and the crown chakras. Selenite can be a particularly good choice for use in a new home as it is well regarded for its cleansing properties, including negative energies.

Topaz-(Blue): Blue topaz is linked with the throat chakra, however in the case of a new home, it can be set in the corner of any room that you would like to be cleansed of negative energy. You can also wear or hold topaz when you work on any creative projects, such as interior decoration.

The beautiful set comes with an information leaflet and presented in a gift bag allowing you to take them with you or look after them when not being used.

Makes a perfect gift for someone you know who is moving or has moved house, makes a perfect house warming gift.

Crystals should not be a substitute for seeking professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor if you have a health concern.
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New Home Crystal Collection. A beautiful collection of gemstone crystals for anyone moving house or just settling in to their new home.

Moving into a new home can bring a mixture of emotions; stress, excitement, loss and even disconnection with your new property as you settle in. The New Home Crystals are a collection that considers the many different aspects of moving home and are perfectly chosen based on their properties to aid with cleansing, protecting and promoting positive energy. This particular set are selected for their properties recognised for promoting happiness and harmony, important as you settle into your new home.

This particular set includes:

Citrine: A powerful stone that can be placed around the home, including the back left corner which is the corner associated with prosperity. As well as being highly regarded in the promotion of clarity of thinking, citrine is said to help with new beginnings.

Jade: This stone has been respected for many centuries, by many cultures. In the case of a new home, Jade is said to strengthen life force energies and could set the tone for a happy and harmonious home. Known to promote love of all kinds, Jade can be simply carried in a pocket.

Moss Agate: Agate comes in many different colours all linked to different chakras; however, Moss Agate is connected with unconditional love and prosperity as well as emotional balance and tranquility.

Selenite: Primarily, selenite is known as a protective stone and is connected with both the third eye and the crown chakras. Selenite can be a particularly good choice for use in a new home as it is well regarded for its cleansing properties, including negative energies.

Topaz-(Blue): Blue topaz is linked with the throat chakra, however in the case of a new home, it can be set in the corner of any room that you would like to be cleansed of negative energy. You can also wear or hold topaz when you work on any creative projects, such as interior decoration.

The beautiful set comes with an information leaflet and presented in a gift bag allowing you to take them with you or look after them when not being used.

Makes a perfect gift for someone you know who is moving or has moved house, makes a perfect house warming gift.

Crystals should not be a substitute for seeking professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor if you have a health concern.
New Home Crystal Collection. A beautiful collection of gemstone crystals for anyone moving house or just settling in to their new home.

Moving into a new home can bring a mixture of emotions; stress, excitement, loss and even disconnection with your new property as you settle in. The New Home Crystals are a collection that considers the many different aspects of moving home and are perfectly chosen based on their properties to aid with cleansing, protecting and promoting positive energy. This particular set are selected for their properties recognised for promoting happiness and harmony, important as you settle into your new home.

This particular set includes:

Citrine: A powerful stone that can be placed around the home, including the back left corner which is the corner associated with prosperity. As well as being highly regarded in the promotion of clarity of thinking, citrine is said to help with new beginnings.

Jade: This stone has been respected for many centuries, by many cultures. In the case of a new home, Jade is said to strengthen life force energies and could set the tone for a happy and harmonious home. Known to promote love of all kinds, Jade can be simply carried in a pocket.

Moss Agate: Agate comes in many different colours all linked to different chakras; however, Moss Agate is connected with unconditional love and prosperity as well as emotional balance and tranquility.

Selenite: Primarily, selenite is known as a protective stone and is connected with both the third eye and the crown chakras. Selenite can be a particularly good choice for use in a new home as it is well regarded for its cleansing properties, including negative energies.

Topaz-(Blue): Blue topaz is linked with the throat chakra, however in the case of a new home, it can be set in the corner of any room that you would like to be cleansed of negative energy. You can also wear or hold topaz when you work on any creative projects, such as interior decoration.

The beautiful set comes with an information leaflet and presented in a gift bag allowing you to take them with you or look after them when not being used.

Makes a perfect gift for someone you know who is moving or has moved house, makes a perfect house warming gift.

Crystals should not be a substitute for seeking professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor if you have a health concern.