Ethically sourced beautiful crystals and gifts.

Online Crystal Shop
Ethically sourced crystals

Established in 2020, by Toby Winn, Crystal Pumpkin has grown into one of the leading retailers with a focus on high quality ethically sourced crystals and gemstone gifts. I am a Reiki Practitioner (Shoden).

The idea for Crystal Pumpkin came from my son Harry, aged 8 at the time, who was obsessed with crystals (and Minecraft!) Since then I have expanded our range of gifts and jewellery and continue to add more all the time.

With customers in over 50 countries we pride ourselves on excellent customer service and high quality products. We offer a wide range of gift ideas from our beautiful zodiac sets to intuitively chosen crystal sets, pocket angels, pendulums, jewellery and more.

Fast shipping from the UK to literally the four corners of the world. If you have any questions or want to say hi, please get in touch.

Reiki Blessings.