Mens Crystal Collection; Masculine Energy Crystal Set for Men.

Men's Crystal Collection. Everyone knows that men and women are wired to think and behave in different ways — so, therefore, it stands to reason crystals will resonate differently for each gender. Unfortunately, men are typically overlooked when it comes to crystals, this collection is designed specifically for men.

These crystals have been chosen for their grounding and stress busting properties properties, it is a carefully thought out mix of beautiful gemstones specifically chosen.

This particular set includes:

Amazonite: Renowned for being a soothing stone, said to help calm the mind and aid optimum health, alleviates worry and fear. Called the Stone of Courage and the Stone of Truth, Amazonite empowers one to search their self and discover one’s own truths and integrity.

Black Tourmaline: Regarded as an excellent crystal for cleansing, protection, and dispelling negativity. It is excellent at dealing with negative energy while attracting positive energy and often regarded as a protector.

Hematite: Hematite helps ground and protect us. It is said to strengthen our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure. It offers us courage, strength, endurance and vitality.

Malachite: This is an important protection stone, said to absorb negativity and pollutants. It is said to aid creativity and protect you from negative entities. It stimulates faithfulness in all types of relationships, whether love, business or friendship, and helps you to open your heart to others and it brings peaceful harmonious energy to all types of relationships.

Pyrite: This is another strong stone, said to promote positive thinking and manifestation. Regarded as one of the best stones for success, attracting favourable energy to business interests.

Tigers Eye: Said to offer a boost of courage, this stone challenges you to look into the eye of the tiger and face your fears head-on. Once you acknowledge and understand your fears, you can overcome them.

Makes a perfect gift for others or as a treat for yourself.

Crystals should not be a substitute for seeking professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor if you have a health concern.
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Men's Crystal Collection. Everyone knows that men and women are wired to think and behave in different ways — so, therefore, it stands to reason crystals will resonate differently for each gender. Unfortunately, men are typically overlooked when it comes to crystals, this collection is designed specifically for men.

These crystals have been chosen for their grounding and stress busting properties properties, it is a carefully thought out mix of beautiful gemstones specifically chosen.

This particular set includes:

Amazonite: Renowned for being a soothing stone, said to help calm the mind and aid optimum health, alleviates worry and fear. Called the Stone of Courage and the Stone of Truth, Amazonite empowers one to search their self and discover one’s own truths and integrity.

Black Tourmaline: Regarded as an excellent crystal for cleansing, protection, and dispelling negativity. It is excellent at dealing with negative energy while attracting positive energy and often regarded as a protector.

Hematite: Hematite helps ground and protect us. It is said to strengthen our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure. It offers us courage, strength, endurance and vitality.

Malachite: This is an important protection stone, said to absorb negativity and pollutants. It is said to aid creativity and protect you from negative entities. It stimulates faithfulness in all types of relationships, whether love, business or friendship, and helps you to open your heart to others and it brings peaceful harmonious energy to all types of relationships.

Pyrite: This is another strong stone, said to promote positive thinking and manifestation. Regarded as one of the best stones for success, attracting favourable energy to business interests.

Tigers Eye: Said to offer a boost of courage, this stone challenges you to look into the eye of the tiger and face your fears head-on. Once you acknowledge and understand your fears, you can overcome them.

Makes a perfect gift for others or as a treat for yourself.

Crystals should not be a substitute for seeking professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor if you have a health concern.
Men's Crystal Collection. Everyone knows that men and women are wired to think and behave in different ways — so, therefore, it stands to reason crystals will resonate differently for each gender. Unfortunately, men are typically overlooked when it comes to crystals, this collection is designed specifically for men.

These crystals have been chosen for their grounding and stress busting properties properties, it is a carefully thought out mix of beautiful gemstones specifically chosen.

This particular set includes:

Amazonite: Renowned for being a soothing stone, said to help calm the mind and aid optimum health, alleviates worry and fear. Called the Stone of Courage and the Stone of Truth, Amazonite empowers one to search their self and discover one’s own truths and integrity.

Black Tourmaline: Regarded as an excellent crystal for cleansing, protection, and dispelling negativity. It is excellent at dealing with negative energy while attracting positive energy and often regarded as a protector.

Hematite: Hematite helps ground and protect us. It is said to strengthen our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure. It offers us courage, strength, endurance and vitality.

Malachite: This is an important protection stone, said to absorb negativity and pollutants. It is said to aid creativity and protect you from negative entities. It stimulates faithfulness in all types of relationships, whether love, business or friendship, and helps you to open your heart to others and it brings peaceful harmonious energy to all types of relationships.

Pyrite: This is another strong stone, said to promote positive thinking and manifestation. Regarded as one of the best stones for success, attracting favourable energy to business interests.

Tigers Eye: Said to offer a boost of courage, this stone challenges you to look into the eye of the tiger and face your fears head-on. Once you acknowledge and understand your fears, you can overcome them.

Makes a perfect gift for others or as a treat for yourself.

Crystals should not be a substitute for seeking professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor if you have a health concern.